Sunday, April 8, 2012

Theer is absolutely no doubt that majority of Pakistanis are of Hindu origin and Afghanis are of Buddhist origin. Please do share

89% of pakistanis are of hindu and
buddhist origin. pashtuns were
buddhist. In fact the last hindu/
buddhist ruler of Afghanistan ie
Jaipal was Hindu and ruled from
kabul when he was defeated by
Mahmud Ghazni in early 1000,s.
Pashtus, Iranians, Brahmins, Rajputs
are all Indo-aryans.
There is a group of Rajputs called the
pathania's who came to India after
Jaipal's defeat and continued to
practice the religion of their
forefathers and now live around
Urdu is Hindustani dialect written in
persian script. In fact it is over 80%
Hindi. Even Pushtu is an Indo-
european language directly derived
from Brahmi/Sanskrit like Kashmiri.
The old name of Persia was a sanskrit
name Zorashtra (similar to
Maharashtra state of modern India).
The old religion of Iran was
Zorashtrian and was again an Indo-
European religion very very close (in
fact sister religion) of Vedic Hinduism.
The name Arabia is the distorted
form of its old sanskrit name
Arvasthan (land of horses). The name
Syria comes from Surya, Sanskrit for
The Hindu gods of vedic religion (i.e.
Varuna, Indra) are clearly mentioned
by their sanskrit names in various
treaties signed in the middle east in
ancient times. More particularly by
the Hitites.
Please check Enclopeadia Britannica,
Wikipeadia more particularly the
sections on pakistan and
Afghanistan. If you want, I can send
you the details of some Pakistani
authors who support what I am
saying. Theer is absolutely no doubt
that majority of Pakistanis are of
Hindu origin and Afghanis are of
Buddhist origin.

Please do share